Project Overview

TradeElectricAI are a wholesale electricity trader. Bringing the benefits of AI into the Energy market, by developing an AI machine learning tool to better predict short, medium- and long-term electricity pricing and predict market behaviour.

Current Status on the Greater Manchester AI Foundry

Tallat Azad has completed phase 1 of our programme with Manchester Metropolitan University and is currently progressing to phase 2 to receive technical assistance to bring their innovation to life.

The project is providing innovation consultancy and advisory aid in line with the De Minimis Exemption (in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013, OJ L 352/1) and Innovation R&D aid in line with the General Block Exemption Regulation (in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014, OJ L 187/1)

AI Foundry
© 2025 Greater Manchester AI Foundry - Greater Security, Greater Intelligence, Greater Manchester